Today I kept resisting putting the final touches on my vision board for 2019. Maybe a combination of my perfectionist creeping in and the fact that I’m a bit sore to sit? I could feel myself distracting with everything else, and eventually at around 11am I pulled out my watercolours, put some gardenias on the table, lit a candle and realised I could actually stand and paint if I really wanted to.
This vision has been brewing since my reflection ritual at the end of last year, where I mined for wisdom gained, and what I wanted to leave behind and bring with me in 2018. The rest of the vision has been percolating as I go about my days, and taking on more form as I dip into past visioning rituals from Christine Arylo and Aglaee Jacobs. One of the things I’ve been doing for the last few years is coming up with a word/s to guide me in the year ahead. I’ve been feeling into what it is that I would love to have as my guiding star in 2019. After much playing with words and visions in my head I came up with Embodied Freedom.
embody – be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling)
freedom – the state of being free (not confined, obstructed, or fixed)

Embodied Freedom
When I think of these two words I think of wings, flying, floating in the ocean with only the sky above me and the water holding me, in a place where anything is possible. I think of child-like laughter, a vibrantly healthy body and dancing freely for the sheer joy of it.
Other elements on the board are where I’m desiring to focus my energy: what is going to guide me in the decisions and choices I make. For example, making time for nurturing my relationship with Harlan is a priority, so when a decision comes up I make sure that this is in the forefront when I choose which direction to go it.
Also my heart and soul visions for 2019 – what dreams are ready for seeding, sprouting or harvesting this year? My self-love promise – to prioritise joy and fun for the sake of fun! And importantly, what I need to nourish me on all levels (emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally) to be the best version of myself (butterfly wings).
My Compass
This board, combined with a healthy does of surrender, flexibility and humour, is what will inspire me through 2019. I feel empowered to take the reigns of my life, with a beautiful compass to guide me, and the understanding that ‘life’ happens. It’s how I choose to interact with those happenings that decides how I experience them.
What’s inspiring your vision for 2019? What do you do to remind yourself of your visions ahead?